Unstructured learning on the job
Unstructured learning on the job

unstructured learning on the job

But what if you don’t have either? Or what if the nature of the data is such that it can’t be easily turned into structured data?. For the most part, that might prove to be an annoyance, but not an insurmountable one.ĭata can be tidied up, and unstructured data can be organized and turned into structured data given enough time and resources. That’s according to Computer World Magazine that says that between 70% and 80% of all available data is unstructured. That example might cast a bad light on Charlie, but the truth is that his behavior is the norm. Assuming that he didn’t make any mistakes, his data is as equally valuable as Ellen’s, but it’s more difficult to organize and process. Charlie’s is an example of unstructured data.

unstructured learning on the job

It’s data that has a model, or that follows a clear pattern that one could discern. Ellen would send a spreadsheet file over the internet, while Charlie would literally show up one day with a folder filled with pieces of paper with different values and dates written all over the place.Įllen’s database is an example of structured data. Now, imagine if we were to ask for the database of each scientist. They are both brilliant researchers in their respective fields but, while Ellen is organized, keeps track of her experiments, and organizes her data in spreadsheets, Charlie sometimes forgets to write the results right away so he writes it on the first thing he finds. Imagine that we have two scientists we’ll call Ellen and Charlie. Every type of data poses a new problem for data scientists and analysts, who have to figure out the best way to gather and clean it before it gets analyzed. Academia and businesses alike rely on data to make accurate predictions and understand the nature of their respective areas of expertise.ĭata comes in many shapes and sizes, it can be qualitative or quantitative, it can follow a pattern or have no clear order, it can be digitized or manually created. It could be something as complex as predicting the weather or as simple as finding the average weight of a certain population. Analyzing data means using the information to make sense of the world.

Unstructured learning on the job